Preparation of Resettlement Action Plan and Implementation of Land acquisition & Resettlement Action Plans (LAP & RAPs) under Western Economic Corridor & Regional Enhancement (WeCARE) Project. (Funded by World Bank)
EADS, ECL & Venus JV
Jessore, Jinaidah, Chuyadangga and Magura
July 15, 2022
January 5, 2024
Md. Khabir Uddin: RAP Implementation Expert (Team Leader), Nowfel Hachan Jewel: MIS/Data Analyst, Md. Mesbaul Haque: RAP Preparation Expert
The Government of Bangladesh (GoB) through the Ministry of Finance (MoF) has requested the World Bank (WB) to support the preparation and implementation of the Western Economic Corridor and Regional Enhancement Program (WeCARE Program) with the Roads and Highways Department (RHD) and the Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) as the main implementing agencies. This program is planned to be implemented in three phases over 10 years. The anticipated time for Phase-1 is five years while the duration of phase 2 and 3 is expected to be four years each. There are four components in this program and among them components 1 will be implemented by RHD; components 2 and 3 will be implemented by LGED; and component 4 will be jointly implemented by LGED and RHD. Compoent -2: Upgrading secondary and tertiary roads and complementary logistics infrastructureand services will be implemented by LGED and will finance associated works, services and goods in the four (4) Program Districts of Jashore, Jhenaidah, Magura, and Chuadanga for the following sub-components: a. Development and upgrading complementary logistics infrastructure and services including rural markets in selected growth centers; and, b. Upgrading of secondary and tertiary road network serving selected markets. There are total 16 contract packages (CW) under phase -1 of WeCARE project to be implemented by LGED. Of the 16 CWs, CW13 covers the improvement of Narkelbaria, Beshoikhali, and Hatgopalpur GCM and the upgrading of the 22 km secondary and tertiary adjacent road network under the Jhenaidah district. This RAP is prepared following RPF of WeCARE for package CW13 components to guide resettlement and the consequent preparation and implementation.