Motijheel to Kamlapur Extension under MRT Line-6 Project
Assignment Name:
Assignment Name: External Monitoring Agency (EMA) for Motijheel to Kamlapur Extension under Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development Project (MRT Line-6) (Funded by JICA)
Name of Client:
Assignment Location within country:
Start Date (Month/Year):
June 2022
Completion Date (Month/Year):
June 2024
Duration of Assignment (Months):
Total No. of staff-month of the assignment:
Name of Joint Venture Consultants, if any:
No. of Staff-Months of Key Professional Staff provided by Joint Venture /Associated Consultants:
Name of Senior Staff (Team Leader, Resettlement Specialist/Land Acquisition Specialist/MIS Specialist/Area Manager)Involved and Functions Performed:
Kh. Khairul Matin: Team Leader/Implementation Specialist, Saidur Rahman : Social Impact Specialist, Provakar Biswas : Data Analyst, Abdullah Al Nakib : Field Coordinator
Detailed Narrative Description of Project:
The main objective of this project is to conduct independent external monitoring of the resettlement implementation process for RAP-III (for Kamlapur Extension).
Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by our Staff:
- Review the existing project related documents
- Develop monitoring survey tools
- Identify the key indicator for project implementation
- Identify monitoring issues and develop specific
- monitoring indicators for undertaking monitoring for RAP and ILRP
- Review and verify the progress in RAP Implementation
- Identify the strengths and weaknesses of resettlement objectives and approaches, implementation strategies
- Evaluate and assess the adequacy of compensation given to the APs
- To analyze the pre and post project socio- economic conditions of the affected people
- Review results of internal monitoring and verify claims through sampling check
- In depth monitor and assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the consultative process with affected APs
- To monitor the GRC activities following the GRM
- Submission of the final report (monitoring of RAP & LAP)