Assignment Name:
RAP Implementing Agency (RAPIA)"for Preparation and Implementation of Land Acquisition Plans (LAPs) and Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs) for the MRT Line 5 Northern Route
Name of Client:
Nippon Koei Co. Ltd.
Assignment Location within country:
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Start Date (Month/Year):
January 2021
Completion Date (Month/Year):
December 2025
Duration of Assignment (Months):
Total No. of staff-month of the assignment:
Name of Joint Venture Consultants, if any:
No. of Staff-Months of Key Professional Staff provided by Joint Venture /Associated Consultants:
Name of Senior Staff (Team Leader, Resettlement Specialist/Land Acquisition Specialist/MIS Specialist/Area Manager)Involved and Functions Performed:
KM Khairul Alam: Team Leader, Md. Mahbubul Haque: Deputy Team Leader, Nowfel Hachan Jewel: MIS Specialist, Umme Farwa Daisy: Gender & Livelihood Development Specialist, Rantideb Goswami: Land Acquisition Expert, Saidur Rahman: ILRP Expert, Md. Mustafizur Rahman: Poverty and Social Expert, Ismail Haque: Area Manager 1(Depot Area), Md. Zibadul Islam: Area Manager 1 (Main Alignment)
Detailed Narrative Description of Project:
The project is undertaken by Nippon Koei Co. Ltd. for the MRT Line 5N. Here Knowledge Management Consultants (KMC) Ltd is engaged for Preparation and Implementation of Land Acquisition Plans (LAPs) and Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs).
Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by our Staff:
- Collect Mouza Maps, Khatians etc from concern offices.
- Preparation of Land Acquisition Plan
- Conduct Video filming
- Arrange Consultation Meetings
- Conduct census, inventory of lost assets and support to JVC and PVAC
- Focus Group Discussion.
- Preparation of RAP
- Assist in Land Acquisition process
- Support in the compensation/assistance distribution process
- Resettlement and Land Acquisition Consultation and Participation activities
- Resettlement activities data management and monitoring
- Assistance in finding alternative place/plot to rent/buy
- Assistance and participation to Grievance Redress Committee
- Training on ILRP for vulnerable people.